CEO Administration, Inc. actively manages corporations, replacing the traditional CEO position.  We provide the professional abilities most small businesses lack.



   Corporate Management


Key Benefits

  • Autonomy of Owners from daily decisions
  • Professional Management by Statistics
  • Better Employee relationships and accountability


We develop and implement policies and forms that enable effective management and oversight in all areas of the business.




We establish an organizational framework which facilitates management as if the company were simply a division of a larger organization. This allows the owner to be isolated from tasks he is ill suited for, even if he remains on staff locally.

Through the use of a very effective set of predictive tools we are able to see when something is not going well and take corrective action before it is allowed to disrupt the entire organization. We are intimately involved in strategic and, when needed, tactical operations. Nothing can remain static for long. It will either grow or shrink. Therefore, we work with you and your staff to identify new areas of expansion and develop a strategy to implement them.



 Mergers & Acquisitions


Click here to learn more about how we can assist you to expand through acquiring a competitor, or develop a profitable exit strategy through a merger or sale.

Human Resources   Accounting

One of the most common failings in small business is the ability for the owner to manage personnel; especially when they are not performing satisfactorily, or when business changes require someone to be let go. Compound that with personality conflicts, or the owners inability to separate the stress in his own life from his management responsibilities and it is no wonder why so many businesses fail. It is often hard for either party to see past friendships to what is necessary for the organization to survive. Having a third party to answer to removes this often damaging dynamic and allows the organization to thrive, which is ultimately in the best interest of all parties.


Few small business owners are really competent in this area for many reasons. First, they typically just don't have the background, or the love of numbers to do it well. Second, it is so easy to get caught up in the microcosm of "we really need a new _____" and not see the macrocosm of "Yes, we just received a large payment, but next month is historically low for us".

Having to justify and budget for new expenditures as well as demonstrate how income is being produced to a third party helps keep things in perspective and ensure you and your employees a consistently reliable source of income.